Welcome to pyramid-avro’s documentation!

This project is a Pyramid plugin built for integrating Avro protocol files into a pyramid application.

Be sure to check out the Quickstart Project documentation to get started.



Coverage:Coverage Status
Build Status:Build Status

Apache License (2.0)

Python Version Support

Current Supported Versions:

  • 2.7
  • 3.3
  • 3.4
  • 3.5

A Note On Compilation

While this plugin provides for auto-compiling your avro protocol into an avro schema, this is rarely something you’d want in all environments your application might be deployed into.

When defining a service configuration, you must have at least a schema defined. This means that the protocol file itself isn’t actually ever required UNLESS the auto_compile flag is turned on.

For non-development configs, we suggest compiling your schema files prior to deployments and simply specifying them in your config rather turning auto_compile on.

Lastly, the tools jar must be provided by you, the developer, not this plugin. In addition to not wanting a compilation at runtime in non-dev environments, you probably don’t want that jar hanging around either.


Indices and tables